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Show and hide android notification bar without causing a layout jerk

Many android apps require toggling between full screen and non full screen view (lets call it framed screen) smoothly.
Typical apps which require this feature include social networking apps (which require maximum use of the space to accomodate infinite timeline like features), ebook reader apps, image gallery apps, video player etc.

Hiding action bar and go full screen

By default, whenever you request for full screen mode, the activity will resize instantly to take the extra space and the this causes Continue reading “Show and hide android notification bar without causing a layout jerk” »

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Webcast Recording: Titanium for New Developers

Hi all,

This is a recording of the webcast on Titanium for New developers ( a high level overview of Titanium architecture), hosted by Kevin Whinnery at Appcelerator Inc.

This webcast was broadcast on 5th Jan 2011, 9am PST.

titanium webcast recording screenshot

Click here to view the webcast

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What’s my twitter reputation score ?

Last month, Twitter founder Evan Williams announced during the Web 2.0 summit that internally keeps a record of every users reputation score.  This made me wonder how do they calculate each users reputation mathematically. After some thought, I charted out a few parameters based on which they could possibly arrive at a quantitative measure of a users popularity on twitter. Here are some of my conclusions,

Number of followers: This factor contributes heavily to the score. More the followers, more is ones reputation. But its not just the number which decides the reputation. Each follower has his own reputation on twitter which will contribute to the user he follows. If a users reputation was only dependant on his followers, then a recursive algorithm would be required to accurately determine one’s reputation. Again the problem will arise when there are cyclic links, i.e. you are followed by a follower who is being followed by someone whom you are following, which will make it an infinite cycle. So the algorithm should stop the branching process as soon as cyclic links are detected. But most probably would decide on the depth of penetration for each calculation beforehand.

Also there are certain users who back follow other users who are following them. Such cases will give rise to high rates of cyclic links and hence should not contribute much to the reputation calculation.

Number of retweets: You are definitely reputed if a significant number of users retweet your tweets regularly. So number of retweets coupled with the individual reputation of the user who is retweeting your tweet will add to your reputation score.

Number of mentions: If someone with a high individual reputation @mentions you, then your reputation score should increase.

mentions, favourites, listings etc….. todo

Twitter reputation score calculator screenshot

In the meantime checkout It is a small experimental page which I set up for finding out your own twitter reputation score based on the parameters listed above. I used the twitter @anywhere javascript API inspite of its limitations , instead of using the more stable PHP api, just to minimize server side bandwidth being used up for fetching user info.

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27th Oct – Appcelerator Titanium Webinar Recording , questions and answers

Titanium mobile announcements for release dates and future plans


Watch the webcast recording for the Q&A session here

Q&A Transcript

These are the questions and answers which were posted during the Titanium webinar which took place on 27th Oct 2010

Will Blackberry still be windows only?

it’ll be mac when RIM adds a Mac simulator

Audience Question

Does Titanium support Black Barry…???? If yes how can I get it. I didn’t see anything about blackbarry on the

BlackBerry is in beta through Q1 next year.  It’s available in beta to Pro/Enterprise subscribers today

Continue reading “27th Oct – Appcelerator Titanium Webinar Recording , questions and answers” »

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Titanium Mobile vs Sencha Touch

I just  tried out the sencha touch examples  on the android 1.6 simulator and the performance is pathetic. Seems like google forgot to properly implement their javascript V8 engine onto their OS.

Appcelerator’s Titanium Mobile and Sencha touch are 2 different frameworks which address a totally different set of audiences. Comparing them is like comparing apples to oranges. But, to a person who has never eaten fruits ever and wants to just try tasting one (analogy to creating a simple app which doesnt do much of processing) and not try juggling with the fruits (analogy to creating detailed games or apps with lot of processing involved), they appear the same. So here’s a post attempting to compare them and help out those who have to make a choice when it comes to building a  simple app.

Titanium Mobile Kitchensink app running in iPhone simulator

Sencha touch examples app running in iPhone simulator


Here’s where Titanium Mobile wins : Continue reading “Titanium Mobile vs Sencha Touch” »

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