Tag Archives: virtual linux in windows 7

andLinux andWindows7

I have been doing PHP on Windows till now, but a week back I realised that I wanted something which Windows couldnt give me. The pcntl_fork( ) function was not implemented on windows. So I had to either do PHP on a remote shell or install linux on separate partition. Remote shell wasnt a bad idea because I already had an account on freeshell.de and they had all PHP functions enabled. But there was not Gnome/KDE and I had to settle for vim. Then I decided that I will run Linux through VMware. I had tried this even before, and knew that it would be painstakingly slow.

Luckily I came across andLinux when I was googling for vmware. I thought I will give it a try .. 200 MB wont take much time. The installation was quick, just keep “next”ing and Voila , linux is installed in 5 minutes.
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